Wednesday, September 2, 2015


What a fabulous journey we had!  Here are some excerpts from the debriefing questions I was recently asked to do for Remember Nhu:


What were your emotions going into this trip? (Boarding the plane, packing and preparing, fundraising, etc.)
Preparing for the trip, I was most nervous about navigating the airports, especially through China. I've traveled internationally before, but this was the first time I was the only adult and responsible for getting us where we needed to be on schedule. I knew there were many people praying for us in this specific way, and yet I was still so surprised and overwhelmed by God's hand being evident in our travels both to and from Thailand. Despite the odds being against us several times with delayed flights, etc, we cleared every customs and security checkpoint with very little scrutiny, were never charged for checking the 6 large suitcases full of donations for the children in Thailand and made every connection.

How did you feel once you arrived?
Rounding the corner out of customs in Chiang Mai, I immediately recognized (our RNhu team coodinator) Laura's smiling face and was so relieved that we made it! At that point, I had no idea what the plan was, but knew we were in good hands and I was up for anything!

What was one of your most joyful memories?
I loved learning new card games and chopstick games with the kids and house staff in the down times before and after dinner! Even though the language barrier meant it took us longer to learn how to play, their determination to teach, patience in our misunderstandings and desire to make sure we were included in the fun was so touching. The kids would beam like proud parents when we finally caught on!

What was a challenge?
The language barrier was definitely my biggest challenge, but we all learned ways around this and the kids are actually quite good at understanding basic English, even if they are a bit timid and unsure of themselves when speaking.

What did God reveal/teach you throughout this process?
God reaffirmed for me in a big way that He is in control. I'm a bit of a control freak at times and love my lists and schedules, however on this trip I had no idea what we would be doing beyond our arrival and departure dates. Normally this would have been a huge stress for me, but I found it to be quite freeing. When you aren't so worried about a schedule, you are more open to the God-moments as they present themselves -- more willing to take time for relational connections and appreciation of the world around you.

Was there a child that captured your heart specifically, any stories?
There is one boy who I really connected with. Every time we visited his home, he was eager to play games, sit with us at dinner and hang out afterward. He loves Superman and would often strike a Superman pose and was delighted when I, a 37 year old mom, would proudly return the favor. On our last day we posed together for a photo, which then turn into a group photo of Superman poses. He gave me a goodbye hug and whispered in my ear, "I love you, Superman." I love you, too little man!

How did you feel while leaving?
I felt a lot of things while leaving. I knew I would miss these people I had met and connected with, but also knew they were in a good place. I would love to return and see them again someday, but that's in God's hands. I am a real believer in what Remember Nhu is doing and am thrilled to be a voice for the organization. Every one of these children is worth our time and resources. Every one of them is beloved to our savior and should therefore be beloved to us.

Now that you're home, has your life changed in any way?
Two days after returning from our trip to Thailand, I spent a week counseling at a high school church camp. Contrast two weeks spent in a place where innocence is being protected and children are able to be exactly that -- children -- with a week spent with teenage girls here in the US who shared stories of sexual, emotional and physical abuse, feeling pressure to look a certain way, act a certain way; I'm heartbroken that children are still being taken advantage of, not just in foreign countries, but right here in our own neighborhoods. I'm now looking for ways to be an advocate for all children, both near and far.

What’s one thing you would like to share with the R-Nhu community?
At one point while in Thailand I was asked, "What were you looking for God to teach you on this trip to Thailand?" For a moment I had no idea how to answer to that. You see, as crazy as it may sound I didn't come to Thailand with any specific expectations. It's not that I wasn't open to God teaching me something, but I think sometimes God tells us to 'go' and desires that we obey without expectations. That's how it was for me. God said, "Go", and I went. I said yes. I'm still unraveling the lessons from my experiences in Thailand, but most importantly, I obeyed and for once it was without a single thought to what was in it for me. That was worth every second, every cent, every ounce that it cost me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Last Blog Before Departure!

Less than 3 days!!!
This evening the Rinella's and Bonham's had a packing party Swim 'n' Q!  We gathered all the remaining donations and carefully sorted and packed.  Wouldn't you know it, by the time we had sorted through the donations and weeded out any items that didn't meet the criteria set of us by Remember Nhu, we had exactly 6 full suitcases, each just under the maximum weight limit.  Too perfect to be mere coincidence, wouldn't you say?  The generosity of those who have given is overwhelming.  'Thank you' hardly seems adequate.

With just 3 days remaining, I would love to pass along a few prayer requests:
1. Safe & smooth travels - This is honestly my biggest source of nerves come from.  We must make connections in LA & Shanghai on our way there, then Shanghai & Vancouver (BC) on our way back, going through customs every time we land in a new country.
2. Personal connections - I was just informed that another group of 3 will be traveling to Thailand at the same time we are, and we will be merging to form a group of 6 for the duration of our stay.  Please pray that we form meaningful bonds among our team members, as well as with the Remember Nhu staff, as most importantly, the children of Remember Nhu.
3. Effectiveness and purpose - Please pray that we will be utilized to the full extent of the time and talents we have to offer.  I have been warned that because of the difference in cultural approaches, we will often have down time and may need to go looking for ways to be helpful.  My hope is that we are able to make ourselves useful, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity that God presents to us.

Thank you, again, for your support, your prayers and for sharing the mission of Remember Nhu with those around you!  Next time you see a new blog post, we will be in Thailand!

Our Hood River Alliance body praying over our trip.

My fortune earlier this week was actually right! Hahaha!
The Art of Packing.  Look at all those beautiful donations!

Friday, June 12, 2015


Just 2 more weeks and we will headed off for our adventure!  Exciting things are happening - Clothing donations are starting to roll in, including some fabulous hand made sun dresses in the photos below, was finally able to make seat selections for our flights so I know we're all sitting together (phew! one stress gone, lol), and I've started making one of my legendary packing lists, accumulating a pile of items to pack as I go.  We are so excited!!!  Below I've included the text from a facebook post I published earlier this week--it really sums up just why I feel this trip is so important.  I hope you enjoy!

Posted earlier this week on Facebook:
In preparing to go to Thailand to serve Remember Nhu later this month, I've been asked a few times 'why' we are going. Today one of my favorite HGTV personalities, Nicole Curtis, hit the nail on the head when expressing what social matters 'irk' her. She said, "I'm hopeful that everyday more people start to care about the things that matter and continue to step forward cause if you're not part of the solution? You are part of the problem."

So why am I spending a bunch of money on what could be a relaxing vacation on a beach somewhere with daily housekeeping and pina coladas, to instead go to Northern Thailand to pull weeds, help prepare meals and make myself a servant to a bunch of young boys and girls I've never met? Because if I don't, and the many others who are giving of their lives don't, then these children will be forced back into the streets where their bodies are sold, abused and discarded with little thought to their intrinsic value as human beings created in the image of God. It does no good to hear the statistics on the news, shake your head and change the channel. The people on the take in this industry that garners an estimated $100 BILLION in profits annually are counting on you believing you can do nothing about it! I have chosen to support Remember Nhu with my time and talents because I refuse to enable this horrific crime against humanity by being apathetic. I have often joked that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I think I do know; I want to be part of the solution. What will you be?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

(Not So) Patiently Waiting...

The countdown has begun.... 24 days until our departure for Thailand!  Our documentation and immunizations are done, our fees paid and tickets purchased, and clothing donations are trickling in.  Oh, and the butterflies have begun to flutter in my tummy, lol.  Now we wait........

As we talk over our trip, I find it amusing how the kids seem to have a much different take on aspects of the trip.  For example, as 'the adult in charge', I'm most nervous about navigating airports...especially our layovers in Shanghai where I am nervous about getting us where we need to be and the likelihood very few will speak English should we need help.  Talking with Jen yesterday, she mentioned that our layover in Shanghai is one of the things she's most looking forward to....because it's such a large airport and everything will be in Chinese, lol!  It reminds me that just as she fears little and seeks adventure because she so completely trusts us to keep her safe, so too should I walk fearlessly and look always to the next adventure, putting my trust in a God who is bigger and mightier than the world we live in.  I'm trying hard to take notice of these little lessons as they come, and be looking for opportunities to stretch myself and grow.

We are still accepting clothing and monetary donations until June 21st if you would like to contribute.  Donation boxes are available at Horizon Christian, Hood River Alliance Church and Maupin's Stoves & Spas, or you can contact myself or the Rinella's to make arrangements.  Please be praying for each of us, to live in the moment, be on the lookout for the next adventure, to be receptive to where God is leading us and to place our complete trust in His provision.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Clothing Drive!

We are so excited for our upcoming departure to Thailand!  Our team is now complete at 3 members - myself, Jen and Andrew Rinella.  Andrew is a close friend of the family who also traveled to Guatemala with us last year.  Our airfare has been purchased and we are anxiously awaiting the details on our schedule of activities we will be doing in Thailand!

In preparation for our trip, we are gathering resources we can take with us to the children and staff of the Remember Nhu homes. I was able to have lunch with Laurie Ralston (her husband, Carl, is the founder of RNhu) and Nhu yesterday and they gave me 3 suitcases packed full of blankets made by a woman in Portland for distribution to the children, plus we can take up to 3 additional suitcases with us.  One great need they shared RNhu currently has is for additional clothing items. They are preparing for the opening of 3 more children's homes (2 boys & 1 girls) in Myanmar later this year so they are pooling the resources of all the other homes in SE Asia to accommodate for their growing family and additional donations will ensure that every child is given clothing that fits them well!

Here's how you can help!  You can bring new/gently used clothing by our store, Maupin's Stoves & Spas in The Dalles, drop them by Hood River Alliance Church, or contact me to coordinate. The clothing could be either gender from size child 8 to extra small adult. The clothing should not be revealing or have the "child friendly" skulls or ghost like images as these are culturally offensive. Shirts, both thin long sleeve and short sleeve, hoodies, girls capris or leggings or basketball/to the knee type of shorts for boys. Jeans and non elastic waist items, even petites, will be too big for these children so the elastic type waist work best.  If you would like too help cover the checked baggage fees of $25 per bag and to purchase additional clothing items with any additional funds raised, contact me or donate online (please designate "RNhu Thailand Clothing" or "Bonham Trip - Clothing" in memo line if donating via Hood River Alliance Church).  All donations must be made by Sunday June 21st, as we will need time to pack all these items before our departure Saturday June 27th.

Help clothe all these little bodies!

We thank you for all your support and prayers as our trip approaches!  Without the love and encouragement from each of you, this journey would not happen.


"Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause."  Isaiah 1:17

Sunday, April 19, 2015

When One Door Closes....Look For Another Door!

It's now been over two weeks since the news came out of Kenya of an attack on Christians at a University.  Eleven days ago, the elders of our church decided that it was not advisable for our youth trip to enter Kenya due to the unrest and threats of additional attacks.  Initially devastated, our family began to pray and consider what this meant for Jen and I.  I didn't not believe our journey was over--we felt no less called to served than when we began.  And so the next phase of our trip now begins:

Journey to Kenya Thailand!  Yes, God is opening doors and we are ever so grateful!  After to speaking with our family, pastors, and Carl Ralston (founder of RNhu) while he was on a visit to our church, Jennifer and I have decided to serve Remember Nhu in Thailand.  There may be 2-3 more members to our team, or it may be just the 2 of us--that part of the plan is still unfolding.  I am sure, however, that our plans to serve these children is still very much alive, and for that I am grateful!

Our travel dates are still (approx) June 29th-July10th, only now we will be headed to one of Remember Nhu's homes near Chiang Mai, Thailand. While there we will do whatever is needed of us, such as working on a construction project, assisting with crafts, help children learning English, helping the houseparents/helpers, and gardening or some other type of work that will improve the lives of the children. Besides visiting with the RNhu children and eating meals with them, we will have the opportunity to attend cultural events to understand life in Thailand better, like visiting an elephant camp, a hill tribe village, a cultural dinner, shopping at the Sunday night market, or a visit to a Buddhist Temple.

Please pray with us as I am working to coordinate our new travel plans on an expedited timeline.  Please, also, continue to pray for those in Kenya affected by the horrible tragedy there, and for the safety of our Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ.  We so appreciate the support of our friends and family as we continue on our journey.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Within the last couple weeks, there have been both ups and downs.  We have seen our Kenya Team add several members, while losing a couple.  We secured our itinerary, only to then hear about the devastating attack on Christians at a Kenyan university a couple days later.  What a ride we are on, but thankfully, God is our rock upon which our hope is in his steadfast hands.

There are now 15 members on our team.  We are thrilled to have the additional help and are excited to get to know each other better as we prepare for what the Lord has in store for us.  We also have had a couple members bow out, which saddens us a bit that they will not be joining us, but understand that not everyone is called in the same ways, at the same times.  I cannot wait to see what lies ahead!

Tina announced our itinerary for flights.  We are to leave Monday June 29th, arriving in Nairobi the following day, and will then leave Nairobi on Thursday July 9th, returning to PDX July 10th.  It makes our plans so much more 'real' to have actual flight times!  Also very eye opening to see that it will take us over 20 hours flight time each direction.  I'll need to be thinking of ways to kill time for sure!

We were also very saddened to hear of the terrorist attack on Christians at the Garissa University College in Kenya.  150 people were killed and many more injured in an attack where Al-Shabaab militants singled out their targets, releasing Muslims and killing non-Muslims, beginning with those attending a Christian morning prayer service.  While this information certainly raises our awareness to any other events in the area, the attack was near the Somolian border where there there has been a history of conflict, far from where our destination is.  We would appreciate your prayers not only that no further attacks occur and that the Kenyan military is able to further secure the area, but that God's will for our plans will be made clear.  We have been aware from the beginning that if the political climate were to change dramatically in Kenya, that our trip could be cancelled for our safety, but are obviously hoping this is not necessary.

The last thing I will leave you with today is a vision of the children we are planning to serve in Kenya.  These are photos shared by the Remember Nhu organization from a trip Nhu took to visit the children's home in Kitale.  We can't wait!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Potatoes & Practices

This weekend our Kenya group had two exciting activities.  First was a Potato Bake Fundraiser at church prior to the annual congregational meeting.  The group put out quite a spread on the potato bar and topped it off with a yummy dessert bar.  The kids all chipped in to prep, serve and clean, and in the end we brought in about $2000.  What a blessing!
Tiffany, Sophie & Jen Frosting Cupcakes

The second activity of the day was an informal Q & A with some missionaries who serve in Africa.  The couple we met with is an American woman, who was born and raised in Newberg, OR, and her Kenyan husband.  They are currently residing in Tanzania, but as both have resided in Kenya, they are very familiar with local customs and practices there.

This gave us a great opportunity to find out what clothing we will be expected to wear, what food we will most likely be eating, and how to interact with the Kenyans.  We learned how interactions between men and woman are very different from what we experience in the west.  Our ideas of modesty are different in many ways.  We also discovered vast differences in very practical aspects of life, like our chances of experiencing squat toilets, no toilet paper, bathing from a bucket, and more.  Oh what an adventure this will be!!! Stay tuned for more...  :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Docs, Shots and More

Hello 2015!  As we enter this new year, Jen and I are continuing our preparations for the journey to Kenya.  These preparations include meeting team meetings, double checking documentation, and researching what the CDC recommendations are for foreign-bound US travelers.

Currently, our team meets once a month to get to know one another, plan for our trip and discuss things like fund raisers and building a mission support team.  There are currently about 15 of us going, with a little flex in that number still as our dates are not yet set and there are a few nervous parents not sure about sending their child off to Africa (it's a pretty big deal!).  It is so very important for us to have a strong prayer group backing each of us and to make sure our own walk with the Lord is focused and on track!  This is where YOU come in!  We would love to know we can count on you to be praying for us and the rest of our team even before we leave!  "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps" Proverbs 16:9

We are looking forward to some special meetings coming up that include sitting down with missionaries to discuss Kenyan culture and what we can expect while in Kenya.  Very excited to hear what they have to say so we can begin visualizing and hopefully gain a better understanding of what we need to prepare for!

One major undertaking for me has been getting caught up my immunizations.  While Jen had to get one injection particular to our destination, for yellow fever, and will need to take malarial meds when we depart, she was caught up on all other vaccinations because of her school requirements.  I, on the other hand, was fairly out of date on many vaccinations.  I can happily say that I now have received 5 out of the 6 shots I need prior to departure!  (Did I mention I HATE needles?!?!)  Just one more in May and then I will also get a prescription for the oral malarial pills Jen and I both have to take during and after our time in Kenya.  Whew!

Jen's Yellow Fever Vaccination
Me - That Yellow Fever Shot STINGS!

Please be praying over the following concerns:
  • A spirit of peace and confidence in those who are part of and considering joining our team
  • Wisdom for our leaders, Tina and Emily, as they begin laying the groundwork for our trip, including dates and agendas
  • Finances for our team members, as we do not want money to be a hindrance to those God is calling
  • For the children and adults we will be serving in Kenya, that their hearts are as prepared for us as we hope ours are for them
  • Details, details, details!  Pray that we would not overlook important items and that issues of travel documents and vaccinations are completed without any hiccups
Thank you for your encouragement, prayer, and support as we undertake this mission!