Wednesday, June 3, 2015

(Not So) Patiently Waiting...

The countdown has begun.... 24 days until our departure for Thailand!  Our documentation and immunizations are done, our fees paid and tickets purchased, and clothing donations are trickling in.  Oh, and the butterflies have begun to flutter in my tummy, lol.  Now we wait........

As we talk over our trip, I find it amusing how the kids seem to have a much different take on aspects of the trip.  For example, as 'the adult in charge', I'm most nervous about navigating airports...especially our layovers in Shanghai where I am nervous about getting us where we need to be and the likelihood very few will speak English should we need help.  Talking with Jen yesterday, she mentioned that our layover in Shanghai is one of the things she's most looking forward to....because it's such a large airport and everything will be in Chinese, lol!  It reminds me that just as she fears little and seeks adventure because she so completely trusts us to keep her safe, so too should I walk fearlessly and look always to the next adventure, putting my trust in a God who is bigger and mightier than the world we live in.  I'm trying hard to take notice of these little lessons as they come, and be looking for opportunities to stretch myself and grow.

We are still accepting clothing and monetary donations until June 21st if you would like to contribute.  Donation boxes are available at Horizon Christian, Hood River Alliance Church and Maupin's Stoves & Spas, or you can contact myself or the Rinella's to make arrangements.  Please be praying for each of us, to live in the moment, be on the lookout for the next adventure, to be receptive to where God is leading us and to place our complete trust in His provision.


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