Friday, June 12, 2015


Just 2 more weeks and we will headed off for our adventure!  Exciting things are happening - Clothing donations are starting to roll in, including some fabulous hand made sun dresses in the photos below, was finally able to make seat selections for our flights so I know we're all sitting together (phew! one stress gone, lol), and I've started making one of my legendary packing lists, accumulating a pile of items to pack as I go.  We are so excited!!!  Below I've included the text from a facebook post I published earlier this week--it really sums up just why I feel this trip is so important.  I hope you enjoy!

Posted earlier this week on Facebook:
In preparing to go to Thailand to serve Remember Nhu later this month, I've been asked a few times 'why' we are going. Today one of my favorite HGTV personalities, Nicole Curtis, hit the nail on the head when expressing what social matters 'irk' her. She said, "I'm hopeful that everyday more people start to care about the things that matter and continue to step forward cause if you're not part of the solution? You are part of the problem."

So why am I spending a bunch of money on what could be a relaxing vacation on a beach somewhere with daily housekeeping and pina coladas, to instead go to Northern Thailand to pull weeds, help prepare meals and make myself a servant to a bunch of young boys and girls I've never met? Because if I don't, and the many others who are giving of their lives don't, then these children will be forced back into the streets where their bodies are sold, abused and discarded with little thought to their intrinsic value as human beings created in the image of God. It does no good to hear the statistics on the news, shake your head and change the channel. The people on the take in this industry that garners an estimated $100 BILLION in profits annually are counting on you believing you can do nothing about it! I have chosen to support Remember Nhu with my time and talents because I refuse to enable this horrific crime against humanity by being apathetic. I have often joked that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I think I do know; I want to be part of the solution. What will you be?

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