Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Potatoes & Practices

This weekend our Kenya group had two exciting activities.  First was a Potato Bake Fundraiser at church prior to the annual congregational meeting.  The group put out quite a spread on the potato bar and topped it off with a yummy dessert bar.  The kids all chipped in to prep, serve and clean, and in the end we brought in about $2000.  What a blessing!
Tiffany, Sophie & Jen Frosting Cupcakes

The second activity of the day was an informal Q & A with some missionaries who serve in Africa.  The couple we met with is an American woman, who was born and raised in Newberg, OR, and her Kenyan husband.  They are currently residing in Tanzania, but as both have resided in Kenya, they are very familiar with local customs and practices there.

This gave us a great opportunity to find out what clothing we will be expected to wear, what food we will most likely be eating, and how to interact with the Kenyans.  We learned how interactions between men and woman are very different from what we experience in the west.  Our ideas of modesty are different in many ways.  We also discovered vast differences in very practical aspects of life, like our chances of experiencing squat toilets, no toilet paper, bathing from a bucket, and more.  Oh what an adventure this will be!!! Stay tuned for more...  :)

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