Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Last Blog Before Departure!

Less than 3 days!!!
This evening the Rinella's and Bonham's had a packing party Swim 'n' Q!  We gathered all the remaining donations and carefully sorted and packed.  Wouldn't you know it, by the time we had sorted through the donations and weeded out any items that didn't meet the criteria set of us by Remember Nhu, we had exactly 6 full suitcases, each just under the maximum weight limit.  Too perfect to be mere coincidence, wouldn't you say?  The generosity of those who have given is overwhelming.  'Thank you' hardly seems adequate.

With just 3 days remaining, I would love to pass along a few prayer requests:
1. Safe & smooth travels - This is honestly my biggest source of nerves come from.  We must make connections in LA & Shanghai on our way there, then Shanghai & Vancouver (BC) on our way back, going through customs every time we land in a new country.
2. Personal connections - I was just informed that another group of 3 will be traveling to Thailand at the same time we are, and we will be merging to form a group of 6 for the duration of our stay.  Please pray that we form meaningful bonds among our team members, as well as with the Remember Nhu staff, as most importantly, the children of Remember Nhu.
3. Effectiveness and purpose - Please pray that we will be utilized to the full extent of the time and talents we have to offer.  I have been warned that because of the difference in cultural approaches, we will often have down time and may need to go looking for ways to be helpful.  My hope is that we are able to make ourselves useful, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity that God presents to us.

Thank you, again, for your support, your prayers and for sharing the mission of Remember Nhu with those around you!  Next time you see a new blog post, we will be in Thailand!

Our Hood River Alliance body praying over our trip.

My fortune earlier this week was actually right! Hahaha!
The Art of Packing.  Look at all those beautiful donations!

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