Thursday, November 27, 2014

Our Mission

Dear Family & Friends,

About 5 years ago, our family heard a testimony that changed us.  Carl Ralston, founder of Remember Nhu, and his adopted daughter, Nhu, visited our church to tell us about their organization, and to share Nhu's story.  As a young Cambodian girl, Nhu had come to learn the love and hope of Jesus from a teacher at her school, but was then tragically subjected to the worst treatment this world has to offer.  Nhu was being raised by her grandmother and they were extremely poor.  When the debts became too great, her Buddhist grandmother made the decision, partly due to her anger of Nhu's acceptance of Jesus, to sell her to a man for the weekend to pay the debts.  Nhu was 14, and it would not be the last time she was forced to sell her body before she was able to find a way out.  Her story broke my heart, but her story has also inspired hope and has literally rescued hundreds because her story led to the formation of Remember Nhu.  This is a nonprofit organization which seeks to rescue at risk children before they are ever sold into the sex trade, by placing them in loving children's homes where their innocence is protected and they are cared for and educated to become healthy young adults to break the cycle of poverty that allows the child sex trade to thrive. (Hear Nhu share her story here)

We made the decision to support Remember Nhu with our finances that day, and over the next several years we've had the opportunity to support Remember Nhu in other ways, including supporting several short term missions teams and individuals.  We recently we learned of an opportunity for Jennifer and I to serve in a more personal way.  Our church is focusing their support of Remember Nhu by becoming sponsors of 2 new children's homes (1 boys', 1 girls') in Kenya, and is sending a team of high schoolers there this summer to work with them.  Jennifer and I have signed up to go with this team.

The dates of the trip are not yet finalized, but we know it will be the end of June/beginning of July for approximately 10 days, and involve some construction work and whatever else Remember Nhu needs when the time comes.  The trip will cost $3000 a piece, plus the cost of immunizations and visas. Our team will be doing several fundraisers over the next 7 months, and we plan to set aside any remaining funds from our personal finances.  As with the previous mission trip we took to Guatemala last spring, we believe it to be important that we commit to financing much of this trip ourselves, but also feel should not let pride stop us from asking others to partner with us on this journey.  If you feel led to give financially, you can do so via Hood River Alliance Church, be sure to designate "Kenya Youth Trip - Bonhams".  We greatly appreciate any financial support you may choose to give, but seek your support of prayers and encouragement above all else.

Over the next several months, Jennifer and I will each share with you, in our own words, why we feel called to this short term mission trip, as well as share more information with you about the trip, our team, Kenya and Remember Nhu.  We invite you to experience with us and are excited to share our journey with you.

Lori & Jen Bonham